Take Action:
Taking action when it comes to politicians is about connecting with other Canadians to share your thoughts, positive and negative, about our leaders. It is also about looking at what these leaders have promised to do, and what they actually did.
Did they promise to do one thing but, when they got in power, backtracked on that promise? If so, ask yourself if you are OK with that. If you are OK with that, ask yourself why.
Hold leaders to account. This is, after all, their job. If you were to promise something to your boss and then not deliver, your boss would hold you to account. Why should politicians be any different?
Ultimately, as with every topic on this site, taking action means doing three things:
Step #1 – Tell the World
If you want to be a part of a change you believe in, you need to connect with others and get the word out.
- Join WorkForOurVotes Discussions and share your thoughts and ideas with others;
- Invite others to join the Discussions group;
- Share your thoughts on Twitter and other social media, and in person.
Step #2 – Contact Elected Officials
Tell the politicians how you feel. If you are happy with the job they are doing, tell them. If you feel they need to do things differently, tell them.
Feel free to contact the politicians in power even if you didn’t vote for them. The Prime Minister, for example, is supposed to represent all Canadians, not just the ones who voted for him or her.
Take Action – Politicians
Step #3 – Tell the World…again
Once you have taken some action, any action (as long as it’s legal, of course), it is important to share that with the world.
Engage with other Canadians on your issue. Why? Because you may very well inspire others to become part of the change. Remember, there is strength in numbers.
Remember to be respectful in your message. A polite, respectful, and firm message is effective. And a polite, respectful, and firm message from a lot of Canadians on the same topic is extremely effective.
Finally, if you haven’t already, please check out the main Take Action page, and be sure to join the Discussion.