Take Action
Ready to Take Action?
If you have read this page and want to read more about how to take action on specific issues, click the button below to view the specifics page
Complaining about something can be a great source of relief. Telling the world what you are upset about and, just as importantly, why you are upset about it is the critical first step toward changing whatever it is that troubles you.
But it’s only the first step. Complaints without action rarely, if ever, result in meaningful change.
Complaints without action rarely result in meaningful change
When it comes to taking action on the issues raised and discussed on this site there are three things you should do:
Step #1

Tell the World
Whether you call it complaining, venting, or good old fashioned belly aching, that initial act of telling others is essential. It allows you the opportunity to engage on something important and gives you the chance to be part of the solution.
Telling the world can be something as simple as discussing the issues at home or at work if that is all you are comfortable with. But if you want to be a part of a change you believe in, you need to connect with others and get the word out.
- Join WorkForOurVotes Discussions and share your thoughts and ideas with others;
- Invite others to join the Discussions group;
- Share your thoughts on Twitter and other social media, and in person.
Step #2

Contact Elected Officials
Don’t laugh.
The truth is simple: the ONLY people that have the power to make long term, beneficial changes to every institution or industry described on this site are the elected politicians forming the current government, or the politicians who want to form the next government. Period.
Only governments can force the changes we want.
As the elected officials have the power, they are the people we need to talk to.
Lobbyists know this. They are paid to try and convince the government to do something on behalf of their clients, whether it be to change or enact new laws, regulations, or policies.
Lobbyists are paid to get results and they know that the only group they need to talk to are the elected officials. So they do. A lot.
If lobbyists can do it, so can you. You can influence government policy as well, but rather than trying to do it on your own, join forces with your fellow Canadians.
If a bunch of Canadians get together, agree on the change needed, and then contact their elected officials directly, the results can be remarkable.
Remember, a politician’s goal, their only goal most of the time unfortunately, is to stay in power, or to get elected if they aren’t currently in power. Let them know your thoughts and how important these issues are to you. And don’t forget to let them know that you like to vote for people who share your views on these issues.
Never forget, your vote is your power.
Your vote is your power
When you do contact an elected official by telephone, email, fax or letter, please remember to be respectful. Nothing turns people off, even politicians, more than someone who is disrespectful to them or their beliefs.
So state your case firmly but respectfully. Remember, we are still Canadians and Canadians are good, respectful people.
Step #3

Tell the World…again
Once you have taken some action, any action (as long as it’s legal, of course), it is important to share that with the world.
Engage with other Canadians on your issue. Why? Because you may very well inspire others to become part of the change. Remember, there is strength in numbers.
Specific Issues
The steps on this page apply to all the issues raised on this site. However, if you would like to look at specific issues, check out the individual Take Action pages for information and links specific to those topics.
Ready to Take Action?
If you have read this page and want to read more about how to take action on specific issues, click the button below to view the specifics page